International Women’s Day 2021

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements and raises awareness of equality. Boy, that’s a mouthful!

This year’s theme is “Choose to Challenge” because a world challenged is an aware world. And change comes from challenges. 

 I wondered how this applied to me. Was I aware enough of the world living in my small bubble? Was I strong enough to make changes? Last week I read a terrific book, a quick and to-the-point read, written in a pleasant conversational tone. The title, Reclaiming Your Moxie by Karen Carlucci Wahner. It’s a guide to healing your sassy self. I highly recommend it, an excellent read and keeps you thinking about your inner goddess and where she is hiding. Life throws curve balls every day. Some you can sway to the side and miss the hit. Others slam you in the gut, yet we take a breath and push through. Those that hit you in the head are the most damaging. They pound away your determination, patience, and slay your inner warrior princess. It happens slowly, and most times, you don’t even realize it. The fire dims a little more each time, leaving you with just embers of your sassiness. Your glow had dimmed, and you ask yourself why. Why must life be so hard? Why must we battle for everything?

 I feel no matter how far we get, are we truly equal? Is there still that impression that we should be home barefoot and pregnant? Are we getting paid our worth? Do we know what that is? And at what cost? Life-altering decisions face us every day. Young women need to choose between a career or children. As we age, caring for aging parents or continuing a career is a major decision in our lives. I was both a full-time working mother for years and a stay-at-home mom. Both are challenging in separate ways. Am I happy with the decision I made? ABSOLUTELY! Without a doubt. Yet what if? But that’s being human.

I read that women writers, to emerge into the male reading population, it is difficult. Men don’t take their work seriously, and most men will bypass a book written by a woman. After all, she couldn’t possibly be as good as the male writers. The famous authors. Could she truly and accurately write a crime novel or mystery? Many women write under pen names, perhaps their initials with their last name, nondescript. Do I believe it?  Not sure. I’m too new in the process and too busy to research a topic I plan to debunk. You know why? I don’t care, I will forge my path. I dictate how my life will be. And I can do this without stepping on anyone’s toes.

 My favorite word is positivity. Yep, it’s hard. You want to curl into the fetal position because of those damn curveballs. But it’s okay. Take your moment, curse, and get the hell up and roar! F’ing roar as loud as you can.

 Am I equal to anyone? Yep, but not better. I’m equal. Can I do anything that I set in my mind? Sure, but not kill bugs or heavy lifting. I know my limitations, folks! I know I couldn’t fight in a war on the front lines or be in the military (I have issues taking orders, not to mention I would probably cry during basic training.) But other women can! I’m so impressed by their strength and resilience.

 At a work meeting, one manager asked what our superpower was. The question baffled me. Did I even know? While others answered with Super Girl, Wonder Woman, etc.  And their analogies were wonderful. Yes, we are all those superheroes and possess the traits of those fictional characters. The question was, what is your superpower? After thinking a minute, I realized my superpower is resilience. It might take me a minute to bounce back, but I do. And if I’m struggling, I convince myself that I’m where I need to be mentally, and it happens. The power of positivity. Am I always positive?  No. I’d be a liar if I said yes. Life is hard, but I have so many blessings.

Goddesses, Happy International Women’s day, go forth and prosper and celebrate the rock star you are. Be that wonderful sassy you!

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